Peer-reviewed publications

12. Alvarez León, L.F. “Eyes on the Road: Surveillance Logics in the Autonomous Vehicle Economy”. Invited submission to D. Murakami Wood & T. Monahan (Eds.). Special Issue of Surveillance & Society on Platform Surveillance. Forthcoming.

11. Alvarez León, L.F. (2019). “How cars became mobile spatial media: A geographical political economy of onboard navigation”. Invited Submission for J. Frith & D. Özkul (Eds.). “Mobile Media Beyond Mobile Phones” [Special Issue]. Mobile Media & Communication. Forthcoming.

10. Alvarez León, L.F. (2018). “Counter-mapping the Spaces of Autonomous Driving”. Invited article for J. Thatcher & C. Dalton (Eds.). New Perspectives on Critical Cartography. [Special Issue]. Cartographic Perspectives.
Pre-published online:

9. Alvarez León, L.F., Christophers, B., & Yu, L. (Eds.), (2018). “Introduction”. In L.F. Alvarez León, B. Christophers, and L. Yu (Eds.), The Spatial Constitution of Markets [Special Issue]. Economic Geography. 94, 3. 211-216.

8. Alvarez León, L.F. (2018). “A blueprint for market construction? Spatial data infrastructure(s), interoperability, and the EU Digital Single Market”. Geoforum. 92. 45-57.

7. Alvarez León, L.F. & Quinn, S. (2018). “The Value of Crowdsourced Street-Level Imagery: Examining the Shifting Property Regimes of OpenStreetCam and Mapillary”. GeoJournal. March. 1-20.

6. Alvarez León, L.F. (2018).“Information Policy Regimes and the Spatial Constitution of Digital Geographic Information Markets”. In L.F. Alvarez León, B. Christophers, and L. Yu (Eds.), The Spatial Constitution of Markets [Special Issue]. Economic Geography. 94, 3. 217-237.

5. Alvarez León, L.F. (2017). “The Political Economy of Spatial Data Infrastructures”. In S. Coetzee, F.J. Behr, A. Cooper et al. (Eds.), Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI), Standards, Open Data and Open Source Software [Special Issue]. The International Journal of Cartography. November, 1-19.

4. Alvarez León, L.F. & Gleason, C.J. (2017). “Production, Property, and the Construction of Remote Sensing Data”. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, Methods, Models, and GIS Section. 107(5), September, 1-15.

3. Alvarez León, L.F. (2016). “Property Regimes and the Commodification of Geographic Information: an Examination of Google Street View”. In A. Leszczynski & J. Crampton (Eds.). Spatial Big Data and Everyday Life [Special issue]. Big Data & Society. July-December, 1-13.

2. Alvarez León, L.F. (2015). “The Digital Economy and Variegated Capitalism”. Canadian Journal of Communication. 40(4), 637-654.
* Winner of the 2015 UCLA Geography Department Graduate Student Publication Award.

1. León-Manríquez, J.L., and Alvarez, L.F. (2014). “Mao’s steps in Monroe’s backyard: towards a United States-China hegemonic struggle in Latin America?” [Special issue]. Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional. 57(spe), 9-27.

Book Chapters

6. Alvarez León, L.F. (2018). “The emergence of Netflix and the new digital economic geography of Hollywood”. In A.S. Buck & T. Plothe, (Eds.). Netflix at the Nexus: Content, Practice, and Production in the Age of Streaming Television. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang. Forthcoming.

5. León-Manríquez, J.L. & Alvarez León, L.F. (2018). “The geography of Mexico’s integration in the Pacific and the long shadow of NAFTA”. In S. Kochi & P. De Lombaerde (Eds.), Volume on regionalism in Asia Pacific and Latin America. United Nations University Series on Regionalism. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. Forthcoming.

4. Alvarez León, L.F. (2017). “Researching the Property Regimes of Geographic Information”. SAGE Research Methods Cases. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

3. Ashraf, C. & Alvarez León, L.F. (2016). “The Logics and Territorialities of Geoblocking”. In R. Lobato & J. Meese (Eds.), Geoblocking and Global Video Culture, 42-53. Amsterdam: Institute of Networked Cultures.

2. Alvarez León, L.F. (2015). “Copyrights”. In F. Wherry & J. Schor. (Eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Economics and Society, 458-460. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

1. Alvarez León, L.F. (2015). “Fair Use”. In F. Wherry & J. Schor. (Eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Economics and Society, 669-670. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

Edited Volumes

1. L.F. Alvarez León, B. Christophers, & L. Yu (Eds.), (2018). The Spatial Constitution of Markets. [Special Issue]. Economic Geography.

Under Review

7. Tarr, A. & Alvarez León, L.F. “Will Review for Points: The Unpaid Affective Labor of Place-making for Google’s Local Guides”. Feminist Review. Minor Revisions.

6. Alvarez León, L.F. & Rosen, J. “Technology as Ideology in Urban Governance”. Invited Sub- mission for L. Bian (Ed.). “Smart Spaces and Places”, Special Issue of Annals of the American Association of Geographers. Revise & Resubmit.

5. Quinn, S. & Alvarez León, L.F. “Every Single Street? Rethinking Full Coverage Across Street- Level Imagery Platforms”. Transactions in GIS. Revise & Resubmit.

4. Alvarez León, L“Engineering the Mechanism / Repairing the Robot: Artificial Intel- ligence at the Intersection of Education and Industry”. Invited chapter for T. Jules & F. Salajan (Eds.). The Educational Intelligent Economy. International Perspectives on Education and Society (IPES). Emerald Publishing. Revise & Resubmit.

3. Alvarez León, L.F. “Satellite revolutions: the changing political economy of remote sensing”. Invited Submission for J.E. Goldstein & E. Nost (Eds.). The Nature of Data: Infrastructures, Environments, Politics. University of Nebraska Press.

2. Alvarez León, L.F. & Aoyama, Y. “From informatization to autonomization: the evolution of the autonomous vehicle market”. Journal of Economic Geography.

1. Alvarez León, L.F. “Automation”. Invited chapter for A. Kobayashi et al (Eds.). Inter- national Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2nd Edition.

In Preparation

3. Rosen, J., Alvarez León, L.F., De Gregorio, S. & Choi, J.H. (2018). “Theoretical distance and bounded measurement in the development of composite indicators”. For submission to Sociological Theory.

2. Choi, J.H., Alvarez León, L.F., & Rosen, J. “How Does Agglomeration Shape Youth Opportunity Across the Urban/Rural Divide? Evidence from the Los Angeles Region”.

1. Alvarez León, L.F. “Intellectual Property, interoperability and the construction of a geographic information market in the United States”.

Digital Platforms

1. “Neighborhood Data for Social Change”. (2017). USC Sol Price Center for Social Innovation. First collaborative mapping, visualization, and storytelling open data platform focused on the neighborhoods of Los Angeles, CA. Conceptual architecture, implementation, and team leadership. URL: