2018 | Walter and Constance Burke Research Initiation Award | $12,500 USD

Dartmouth College Faculty of Arts and Sciences

2017 | Best Dissertation in Economic Geography | $500 USD

American Association of Geographers, Economic Geography Specialty Group

2017 | Postdoctoral Research Fellowship | $136,000 USD

University of Southern California – CONACYT (National Science and Technology Council of Mexico)

2016 | Dissertation selected as UCLA’s single nomination for the 2016-17 CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award in Social Sciences

UCLA Department of Geography, UCLA Vice Provost/Dean

2015-2016 | Dissertation Year Fellowship | $20,500 USD

UCLA Graduate Division

2016 | First Place, UCLA Kurnitz Writing Award | $2,500 USD

UCLA Dashew Center for International Students and Scholars

2011-2016 | CONACYT–UC MEXUS Doctoral Grant | $60,000 USD plus tuition and fees

CONACYT (National Science and Technology Council of Mexico) & UC MEXUS (The University of California Institute for Mexico and the United States)

2015 | Graduate Student Publication Award | $200 USD

UCLA Department of Geography

2014 | Summer Institute in Economic Geography | Selected Participant

University of Frankfurt, Germany

2014 | AAG Economic Geography Specialty Group Travel Award | $250 USD

Association of American Geographers

2013 | Honorable Mention, UCLA Kurnitz Writing Award

UCLA Dashew Center for International Students and Scholars

2009-2012 | Fulbright-Garcia Robles Fellowship | $45,000 USD plus tuition

Mexico-U.S. Commission for Educational and Cultural Exchange

2009-2010 | UCLA Graduate Division Award | $49,351 USD in tuition and fees

UCLA Graduate Division